Why I call payments “investments”: To pay for something is a passive action. It ends with its ownership. You are not paying for a finished product; you are investing in making time and space for yourself. You are devoting that financial investment and energetic exchange into a journey that will support you from within, like a tree bearing fruits after years of care. You are honour your ancestors, ori and Ase.
How does it work?
Under each reading, you will see two amounts. The highest investment is the full recognition of my time, skill and dedication. Not only does it allow me to meet my needs, it also allows for others who might not have the same financial access at this time, to still benefit from my consultations. Where you place yourself on the scale depends on your honest assessment of your current financial means. It’s not about money but rather the intention behind your investment. It demands us to look at our relationship to money, worth, value, trust, and also shame at times. It’s a gesture of mutual aid, where the needs of everyone are valued, and we try to meet them at the best of our abilities, knowing that it’s a group effort, rather than a “single payment”. It also means that investing on the lower end of the scale, while there is the economic privilege to do more, actively takes away access from people who truly need it.
Credit to Grace the community witch for this model and eloquent way to word our investment.
There are limited available donation based consultation for Black Queer activists and community organisers. Please do email me for if you need a consultation and you fall under these categories.
You are also welcome to pay it forward for someone else, so we can continue to support the people who need the guidance and healing in our communities.
Sliding scale from €222.22 - €333.33 for a 1H:30mins consultation with a follow up call after the session.
Sliding scale from €88.88 -€111.11 for a 44 minutes consultation without any follow up.
All spirit led investments welcome. Payments are called investment.
Economic justice, just as much as any social and political practice, is mostly based on trust, accountability and community. Inspired by the work of Grace, the community witch, all my services are on a Sliding Scale base (with some services being donation-based).
Using this system allows me to honour my Ase and my ancestors, meet my needs, and my guidance and support to be accessible and open.
Time slots are not always guaranteed although everyone will be served in the divine timing that best serves All.