Natal chart consultation (60 mins)
![Image of Natal chart consultation (60 mins)](
This is an interactive and collaborative unraveling of your astrological ID cart knows as your natal birth chart. This session is for astrological beginners to give a more in-depth and personal insight into your astrological makeup beyond your social media memes and mere knowledge of your sun sign.
We will explore the placements and degree of the planets, how to navigate your natal chart, and ways you can work with this important self manual for your personal development and growth in all your relations.
We will use simple language and break down all the Astro questions or assumptions you may have about yourself/your chart.
All sessions are conducted via zoom or face to face if you are in Brussels. You will receive the link to book a date for your session after you made your investment. The link to your session will be also sent via email.
A recording will be provided after the session. All data shared with me for your booking and during your booking will be treated with the uttermost respect.
We compile with the EU GDPR regulations, I am obliged to delete the recording once you confirmed that you have downloaded the file.
I use traditional rulership and the whole sign system in my consultation.
This session lasts for 90 mins.
Please note that I cannot make any predictions regarding the topics discussed. An astrology consultation is not a replacement for psychological or psychiatric help.
There will be no refunds issued because you changed your mind or for missed appointments.